Moving Forward With Intention

Moving Forward With Intention

We’re at a place we’ve never been before – the end of life as we knew it and the beginning of the life we create.

A new normal is on the horizon.  It was a necessary reset in a world that was spinning out of control but who could imagine a global pandemic affecting 7.7 billion people would trigger the shift.

Certain times in life have the power to shake us at our very core. This was one of them.

While the last year has been a time of despair, loss, grief and heartbreak it has also been an ‘awakening’ as we saw who we really were navigating one the toughest times of our lives.

A cataclysmic event

Cataclysmic life events give us a window to look at our lives in new ways. It’s like we’ve been put on a conveyor belt to a transformation. Not one of us are the same people we were a year ago.

How have you grown and changed? How have your values and priorities shifted?

Here’s what a few people I’ve recently talked to said:

“I know I’m becoming someone different. Focusing on the big picture instead of being caught up in small details. I’m thinking of how I can make my life more complete and what is the legacy I will leave behind.”

“I made my life complex. I thought that made it meaningful and me ‘successful’. I’m now paring everything down to its essence. I didn’t know there was such joy in simplicity.”

“I need so much less than I thought I did.”

“I now know what it is to live in the present. The control I thought I had was an illusion. I’m learning to let go and trust.”  

“I’m learning how to be happy.”

“I’m learning the difference between living and being truly alive.”

What a difference a pandemic makes.

The big question is how do we go forward?

This will be different for all of us. From my work with educators and organizations I learned that asking a good question can spark the thought that plants the seed that provides understanding and prompts action.  A new perspective to view ourselves and the world, clarify, simplify and guide our first step and every one thereafter.

Thought provoking questions provide path going forward.

The reflection process is just beginning. Take a look at the questions below. Ponder the ones that jump out to you. Some thoughts will come to mind right away, others will take time and need to percolate and simmer. When a thought/idea is fully formed you’ll have an A-HA moment and be able to move forward with ease and grace.

The beginning of the new life you create. One question at a time.

Who am I becoming?

How have I transformed in the last year?

How can I use this experience that has dramatically impacted me?

What are my inner needs?

List 3 values that have shifted.

List 3 priorities that have changed.

What is one positive change you have made during the pandemic?

What do I now believe about myself?

What is the biggest thing learned about myself?

Once you have clarity turn understanding into intention.

“Ever intention is a trigger for transformation. Intention compressed into words enfold magical power.” Deepak Chopra

An intention is like planting a seed for the qualities you aspire for in your life. Once you plant a seed you don’t know how it will grow but you trust that with care and attention it will grow into something beautiful and that it will manifest in your life through your attention, thoughts, and actions. Anchored in this you can move forward with clarity, energy and purpose.

Choosing intentions

What words support what you now know about yourself – who you are, what you want, how you want to live?

Every morning choose a one word intention to support your desires. Complete the sentence Today I choose to_____.

Making sure the word is in its active form.

Draw, print, write or doodle it n the page. Colour it.

With an intention chosen every morning you have moved forward and the new life you create is beginning.

Wrapping you in love,

Cheryl x

Don’t have an Oh, My Word journal yet?  You can get yours here.


OH MY WORD Journal – choose the thoughts you want to think.

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